A sustainable company

Our commitment towards sustainability is evident in many aspects. Learn more here!

Commitment towards sustainability

We see the beauty in every human being. Beauty needs a planet worth living on. We take responsibility for this - courageously for a sustainably colorful future. #noplanetnobeauty

Everything we do starts with sustainability. For us, that doesn't just mean sacrifice, but above all enrichment. Hands-on for our sustainability and future generations.


ARTDECO was founded in 1985 in Munich, Karlsfeld.

Promoting diversity

We love beauty in all its aspects—which is why we stand for diversity and equality.

Employee loyalty

We have approximately 800 employees who hail from 28 different countries; around 15% work part-time.


At our company, 287 employees work from home. We manufacture some of our products together with disabled workshops and penal institutions.

Climate neutral

Through active measures, we were able to reduce our corporate emissions by over 200 metric tons in 2022 compared to 2021. To compensate for what we cannot (yet) save, we make offsetting payments to climate protection projects of our choice - this allows us to call ourselves a "climate-neutral" company.

Carbon footprint

The CO2 evaluations give us an overview of our largest emissions sources from year to year, enabling us to start finding targeted measures to reduce our CO2 emissions.

In 2022, our carbon footprint was reduced by approximately 8% compared to the previous year.

Climate protection project

We know that no business can truly be “climate neutral,” which is to say, “emissions free.” The current economy is not set up this way.

That’s why it’s so important to us to reduce our emissions where we can and to compensate for the remaining emissions by supporting projects.

Various ARTDECO products displayed inside a rabbit frame to illustrate that they are animal-free

Free from animal testing


We guarantee premium quality without animal testing, and our ingredients have been selected based on strict criteria.


Sustainability report

You can find more information on the subject of sustainability in our Sustainability Report, available to download here.

UN Global Compact Fortschrittsbericht

Die ARTDECO cosmetic Group hat sich freiwillig dem United Nations Global Compact verpflichtet und berichtet jährlich über die Fortschritte in den Bereichen Menschenrechte, Arbeitsnormen, Umweltschutz und Korruptionsbekämpfung. Die Berichte können auf unserem Profil öffentlich eingesehen werden


An overview of our sustainable projects and partnerships


The "Augsburg Westliche Wälder" nature reserve is located near Augsburg. Our partner DEUTIM is helping us to make this forest "fit for the future" and to preserve the local forest for future generations in the long term. We achieve this by reforesting bare areas and converting monocultures into climate-stable mixed forests. We contribute to the protection of nature and can restore biodiversity. In this way, we want to preserve the beauty of regional forests and habitats. We have established a long-term commitment to plant a fixed amount of trees every year, for the next 10 years.

What are the benefits of forest protection?

Forests are not only known as the green lungs of our planet, but also as the powerhouse that keeps our ecological system running. They provide us with a variety of ecosystem services that are essential for the balance of our planet and our own well-being. Many of us are familiar with the oxygen production, biodiversity and habitats as well as the wood supply. However, forests also act as air filters and contribute to climate, water and soil protection. They extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in their gigantic biomass network of trees, bushes and the ground.


Together with Coral Guardian, we’re engaged in protecting and preserving coral reefs.

ARTDECO made a donation to have its own coral reef planted in order to support the extraordinary biodiversity of the ocean and further protect it.

Current photos of ARTDECO’s coral reef in Indonesia near Hatamin island

Our corals grow approx. 1 cm / per month and already serve as a habitat and hiding place for fish, octopuses and other inhabitants of the reef.

ARTDECO’s own coral reef
Corals directly from the reef's plants in collaboration with CoralGuiardian

Corals directly after they have been planted.

As of October 2024 from the ARTDECO Coral Reef in collaboration with CoralGuiardian

Corals Status October 2024