Permanent Individual Lashes

Pestañas postizas de larga duración

Color | 1 - short black

  • Mechones individuales permanentes para dar densidad y longitud
  • Para looks individualizados
  • Diferentes estilos

Nuestras Permanent Lashes son una opción ideal para conseguir unas pestañas más densas por más tiempo. Su apariencia es totalmente natural y, al no entrar en contacto directo con el párpado, resultan muy cómodas de llevar. Su formato en mechones individuales deja a tu elección el look que quieras darle a tus pestañas, desde un toque discreto hasta un efecto más atrevido, y supone también una solución óptima para las mujeres de pestañas cortas. Las Permanent Lashes aportan una densidad natural y, una vez colocadas correctamente, aguantan semanas en su sitio. ¡Ya puedes ducharte, dormir o bañarte en la piscina luciendo unas pestañas envidiables!

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Saca un mechón de la caja con unas pinzas y pon una pequeña gota de pegamento cosmético en el nudo. Unta también un poquito de adhesivo sobre tus pestañas naturales y coloca el mechón sobre ellas. Para retirarlas, utiliza un disco de algodón impregnado de un disolvente específico. Colócalo sobre el ojo cerrado y déjalo actuar durante uno o dos minutos. Una vez transcurrido ese tiempo, arrástralo suavemente hacia abajo. Si quieres quitar los mechones con más cuidado aún, utiliza dos bastoncillos de los oídos. Impregna los extremos con el disolvente cosmético y aplícalo sobre las pestañas para humedecerlas. Una vez haya hecho efecto, puedes retirar suavemente el mechón.

Nuestros trucos: Coloca siempre un número impar de mechones postizos para conseguir un efecto más completo. Pega los mechones sobre tus pestañas naturales y no sobre la piel, ya que la secreción natural de grasa hará que se desprendan antes. Para ponerlos, coloca los mechones sobre la línea de pestañas y presiónalos un poco. De este modo alargas notablemente los resultados. Las pestañas postizas permanentes son además una opción ideal para las mujeres con párpados caídos, ya que abren claramente la mirada. Cuando te coloques las pestañas, dirige y mantén la mirada ligeramente hacia abajo.

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Nuestro truco: Al perfilar el ojo mantén el Smooth Eye Liner ligeramente inclinado, para que la punta no se aplane. De este modo podrás trazar rayas más precisas por más tiempo sin necesidad de sacarle punta antes de cada uso.

  • Color: 1 short black
  • Compatibilidad :
  • Propiedades:
  • Reutilizable: No
  • Resistente al agua : No
  • Protección UV : No
  • Vegano:
  • Número de artículo : 670.1
  • EAN: 4019674067017
  • Color: 6 short natural black
  • Compatibilidad :
  • Propiedades:
  • Reutilizable: No
  • Resistente al agua : No
  • Protección UV : No
  • Vegano:
  • Número de artículo : 670.6
  • EAN: 4052136106558
  • Color: 2 medium black
  • Compatibilidad :
  • Propiedades:
  • Reutilizable: No
  • Resistente al agua : No
  • Protección UV : No
  • Vegano:
  • Número de artículo : 670.2
  • EAN: 4019674067024
  • + Más información
  • + Más información
  • + Más información

Lo que opinan nuestras clientas

Basado en 35 opiniones
Good product
The eyelashes look great, the length Short is actually also to achieve a natural result, you need some practice but since the eyelashes are built like so small tufts it actually goes quite well
Revisado por Sandra vía ARTDECO Friends of Beauty, 19.10.2014
Great effect!
The individual lashes are great to bring more volume to the lashes. They are easy to apply - I am pleasantly surprised.
Revisado por Sarah vía ARTDECO Friends of Beauty, 13.12.2014
Very good
Through these artificial eyelashes you can give your own eyelashes length and fullness without looking artificial.
Revisado por Ekaterina vía ARTDECO Friends of Beauty, 31.01.2015
Very natural!
I like to use the single lashes to accentuate the last third a little. The lashes stick somewhat tightly to the package. But the sticking and removal is relatively easy. They look super natural and "fill" your own lashes!
Revisado por Anica vía ARTDECO Friends of Beauty, 01.02.2015
Good eyelashes
Have never dared to such false eyelashes, but must say that I am really positively surprised by these. Unfortunately, they do not hold so well with me and it is a great effort to apply these. But now can not say anything negative about it
Revisado por Vivien vía ARTDECO Friends of Beauty, 26.04.2015
are really easy to attach, hold the whole evening and are, if you are very careful again to use :)
Revisado por Josefine vía ARTDECO Friends of Beauty, 04.05.2015
Super product, I am thrilled!
The permanent eyelashes by ARTDECO are for permanently longer and thicker eyelashes. They look very natural and are comfortable to wear, as they do not come into contact with the eyelid. They can be applied individually - for a discreet to expressive look - and are also perfectly suitable for customers with very short eyelashes. The permanent lashes give the eyelashes an absolutely natural-looking fullness and adhere after a correct application for weeks - whether showering, sleeping or swimming.
Revisado por Sabine vía ARTDECO Friends of Beauty, 18.05.2015
They are easy to attach and feel quite good in addition, they are not too long, that it does not look unnatural, but they also have their price.
Revisado por Melanie vía ARTDECO Friends of Beauty, 22.06.2015
Permanent Lashes - supi !
very easy to apply and are also not too long, thus look lehr natural in their length. super suitable for dramatic make-up.
Revisado por Sandra vía ARTDECO Friends of Beauty, 23.06.2015
A must for parties!
I like to use the permanent lashes to go away, because they look -in my opinion- more natural. Of course, some practice is needed but they are easy to apply. With the appropriate eyelash glue from Artdeco, the eyelashes also hold times up to a week. With me usually not so long, because I still make up the eyelashes and remove makeup. So two to three days is the rule. Price-wise I find you a little too expensive and unfortunately it happens from time to time that the eyelashes are broken when taking out.
Revisado por Gitte vía ARTDECO Friends of Beauty, 26.10.2015
Great effect
For everyday life as well as for going out super suitable. I love the effect, as if I had naturally long lashes, the upswing and the hold are great. Absolute buy recommendation!
Revisado por merve vía ARTDECO Friends of Beauty, 10.05.2016
Comfortable to wear
Today times the einzelwimpern tested handling very simple. You can dose them as you want whether natural or artificial. Feel even after the 3 day still pleasant and not heavy. Can also be worn with mascara.
Revisado por Jane vía ARTDECO Friends of Beauty, 15.06.2016
The permanent eyelashes by ARTDECO are very suitable for permanently longer and thicker eyelashes... They look very natural and are comfortable to wear because they do not come into contact with the eyelid. The permanent lashes give the eyelashes an absolutely natural-looking fullness and stick after a correct application for weeks - whether in the shower, sleep, etc ... Will definitely continue to buy the.
Revisado por Justyna vía ARTDECO Friends of Beauty, 04.11.2016
The Best Eyelashes
The first time I got at Kartstadt at a promotion these Wimpernheköebt, since then I have already tried some, until now I must say these are still winners. Look really real. Hold long. Super natural look.
Revisado por Maria vía ARTDECO Friends of Beauty, 01.08.2017
Always my first choice
I've been using these single lash tufts for years for myself and I'm happy to recommend them to others. Depending on the conspicuousness select the length, I always use the short variant, they are a little longer than my own and the result is nice and natural. But the lashes can also be easily trimmed:) To use... With a flat tweezers the lashes directly at the node capture, so they do not tear apart and place on the back of the hand. Then open the long-lasting glue and press a little on the tube until a blade forms at the opening. Pick the lashes back up with the tweezers from the back of your hand and pull them through the glue bubble until you see a visible glob of glue at the lash node. Simply put the glue away and put the head a little in the neck, now insert the eyelashes from below between your own eyelashes and when the eyelash node with glue touches your own eyelid, it gets a little cold, then you know that the eyelash is perfectly attached. Then press lightly with the tweezers against the lash and bring them into shape, next is up :) I usually put only four or five per side and become less towards the nose. About the durability... Usually keep the lashes between 2and3 weeks, now and then falls out times, then I just put a new one after. I think the lashes are great, the price is ok. I deliberately put the lashes from below, because firstly you do not see the nodules and when I clean off they hold better. My experience has shown that if ma they stick from above you have only from one side stop and you could pull out his own lashes when removing mascara with, from below, however, you have all around stop, because I put them in between.
Revisado por Nora vía ARTDECO Friends of Beauty, 23.09.2017
Wear no other pemanenten lashes more because these just always fit perfectly and are totally easy to apply. Can only recommend them
Revisado por Mia vía ARTDECO Friends of Beauty, 05.10.2017